Howdy, all?

I decided to move some of my handwritten notes on Italian studies to the blog, in case I lose my papers. There will be 15-20 short lessons – the very essence of Italian grammar, absolute minimum you should know to start speaking. I know, it’s not easy to start. But if you reach Lesson 7 (modal verbs), you’ll be able to build really a lot of phrases yourself.
We’re starting from pronouns and to be verb.
Italian pronouns – singular
- I – io (sounds like ‘yo, man!’, but sofffffter – jio)
- you – tu (informal)
- she – lei
- he – lui
- you – lei (formal or polite way)
Italian pronouns – plural
- we – noi (sounds like n + Oi-oi-oi! in songs)
- you – voi
- they – loro
- io – tu – lei – lui – lei
- noi – voi – loro
Easy, right?
I am <username>
The challenge is in remembering the verbs. Each italian verb has a separate form for each pronoun – so called conjugation. We’re starting from ‘to be’ verb – essere – and it’s different forms.
Essere – singular forms
- I am – io sono
- You are – tu sei
- He is – lui è
- She is – lei è
- You are – lei è
Essere – plural forms
- We are – noi siamo
- You are – voi siete
- They are – loro sono
- sono – sei – è
- siamo – siete – sono
(repeat these lines 10 times: sono, sei, è, siamo, siete, sono, …)
“But where is, bloody hell, the essere word itself???” – you ask. These 5 words (sono, sei, è, siamo, siete, sono) are 5 different forms of essere. It behaves the same way as to be – we use am, is, are, was, … – but not to be itself.
We’re ready to introduce ourselves now:
- I am Taras. Nice to meet ya! – Io sono Taras. Piacere di conoscerti!
Let’s move to Lesson 2 for more examples!