Ciao a tutti! Sono Taras – Hi everybody, I’m Taras.
È voi? – And you?

Okay, as we know already, there are 3 modal verbs + 1 semi-modal helper in Italian:
- potere – can
- volere – want
- dovere – have to
- sapere – to know
Volere (want) – modal irregular verb
- io voglio – I want ([v'olio] – see, no ‘g’ in transcription!)
- tu vuoi – you want
- lei/lui vuole – she/he wants
- noi vogliamo – we want
- voi volete – you want (plural)
- loro vogliono – they want
New words and examples
You can’t talk without learning the new words. Let’s go!
Mangiare (to eat)
- mangiare qualcosa – to eat something
- mangiare per collazione – to eat for breakfast
- mangiare per pranzo – to eat for lunch
- mangiare per cena – to eat for dinner
- Voglio mangiare qualcosa – I want something to eat
- Vuoi mangiare qualcosa? – Do you want to eat anything?
- Vuole mangiare qualcosa – She wants something to eat
- Non vogliamo mangiare – We don’t want to eat
- Volete mangiare qualcosa per collazione? – Do you want to eat anything for breakfast?
- Vogliono mangiare qualcosa – They want something to eat
Andare (to go/to travel)
- Andare in Italia – to go to Italy
- Vuoi andare in Italia? – Do you want to go to Italy?
- Si, voglio andare in Italia – Yea, I want to go to Italy.
- Vogliono andare in Italia – They want to go to Italy.
Comprare (to buy)
- Comprare una macchina [m'akkina] – To buy a car
- Vuoi comprare una macchina? – Do you want to buy a car?
- Si, voglio comprare una macchina – Yes, I want to buy a car.
- No, non voglio comprare una macchina – No, I don’t want to buy a car.
- Volete comprare una macchina? – Do you want to buy a car? (plural)
- No, non vogliamo comprare una macchina – No, we don’t want to buy a car
More and more examples
Try to think what you want to do right now? Read a book? Or listen to music? Now tell that in Italian using the vocabulary below:
- passeggiare – to walk
- uscire – to go out/to come out (from home)
- vedere un film – to watch a movie
- fare niente – to do nothing
- ascoltare musica – listen to music
- leggere un libro – to read a book
- nuotare – to swim
- bere qualcosa – to drink something
- stare a casa – to stay at home
Want more vocabulary? :)
Now try to imagine what you really don’t want and make negative sentences in Italian. Vocab below will help you ;)
- diventare presidente – to become a president
- avere un sacco di soldi – to have a bag of money
- avere tanti soldi come … – to have as much money as …
- uscire con le modelle – to go out with models (to meet with models)
- diventare famosa – to become famous
- Non voglio diventare presidente – I don’t want to become a president
- Non voglio avere un sacco di soldi – I don’t want to have a bag of money
- Non voglio avere tanti soldi come Berlusconi – I don’t want to have as much money as Silvio Berlusconi.
- Non voglio uscire con le modelle come Berlusconi – I don’t want to go out with models like Berlusconi.
- Non voglio diventare famosa come Berlusconi – I don’t want to become famous like Berlusconi.
Basic homework – try to learn all new words. And translate the following into Italian:
- They can’t buy a car
- We want to become famous
- She doesn’t want to dance
- They can’t study Italian every day
- I want to speak Spanish well
- I want to speak German very well
- Do you want to stay at home today?
Answers will be in the next lesson.
Grazie a tutti. Ciao! – Thanks to all. Bye!